Package 'learner'

Title: Latent Space-Based Transfer Learning
Description: Implements transfer learning methods for low-rank matrix estimation. These methods leverage similarity in the latent row and column spaces between the source and target populations to improve estimation in the target population. The methods include the LatEnt spAce-based tRaNsfer lEaRning (LEARNER) method and the direct projection LEARNER (D-LEARNER) method described by McGrath et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2412.20605>.
Authors: Sean McGrath [aut, cre] , Ryan ODea [aut], Cenhao Zhu [aut], Rui Duan [aut]
Maintainer: Sean McGrath <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=3)
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-03-03 04:28:29 UTC

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Cross-validation for LEARNER


This function performs k-fold cross-validation to select the nuisance parameters (λ1,λ2)(\lambda_1, \lambda_2) for learner.


  n_folds = 4,
  n_cores = 1,
  control = list()



matrix containing the source population data, as in learner


matrix containing the target population data, as in learner


(optional) integer specifying the rank of the knowledge graphs, as in learner


vector of numerics specifying the candidate values of λ1\lambda_1 (see Details)


vector of numerics specifying the candidate values of λ2\lambda_2 (see Details)


numeric scalar specifying the step size for the Newton steps in the numerical optimization algorithm, as in learner


an integer specify the number of cross-validation folds. The default is 4.


an integer specifying the number of CPU cores in OpenMP parallelization. Parallelization is performed across the different candidate (λ1,λ2)(\lambda_1, \lambda_2) pairs. The default is 1, i.e., no parallelization.


a list of parameters for controlling the stopping criteria for the numerical optimization algorithm, as in learner.


Given sets of candidate values of λ1\lambda_1 and λ2\lambda_2, this function performs k-fold cross-validation to select the pair (λ1,λ2)(\lambda_1, \lambda_2) with the smallest held out error. This function randomly partitions the entries of Y_target into kk (approximately) equally sized subsamples. The training data sets are obtained by removing one of the kk subsamples and the corresponding test data sets are based on the held out subsamples. The learner function is applied to each training data set. The held out error is computed by the mean squared error comparing the entries in the test data sets with those imputed from the LEARNER estimates. See McGrath et al. (2024) for further details.


A list with the following elements:


value of λ1\lambda_1 with the smallest MSE


value of λ2\lambda_2 with the smallest MSE


matrix containing MSE value for each (λ1,λ2)(\lambda_1, \lambda_2) pair. The rows correspond to the λ1\lambda_1 values, and the columns correspond to the λ2\lambda_2 values.


rank value used.


McGrath, S., Zhu, C,. Guo, M. and Duan, R. (2024). LEARNER: A transfer learning method for low-rank matrix estimation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.20605.


res <- cv.learner(Y_source = dat_highsim$Y_source,
                  Y_target = dat_highsim$Y_target,
                  lambda_1_all = c(1, 10, 100),
                  lambda_2_all = c(1, 10, 100),
                  step_size = 0.003)

Simulated data set: High similarity in the latent spaces


This data set contains simulated data in the source and target populations where there is a high degree of similarity in the underlying latent spaces between these populations.




A list containing the observed and true matrices in the source and target populations. The list contains the following components:


A matrix of size 100×50100 \times 50 representing the observed source population matrix.


A matrix of size 100×50100 \times 50 representing the observed target population matrix.


A matrix of size 100×50100 \times 50 (rank 3) representing the true source population matrix.


A matrix of size 100×50100 \times 50 (rank 3) representing the true target population matrix.


In this data set, there is a high degree of similarity in the latent spaces between the source and target populations. Specifically, the true source population matrix was obtained by reversing the order of the singular values of the true target population matrix. The observed target population matrix was obtained by adding independent and identically distributed noise to the entries of the true source population matrix. The noise was generated from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation of 1. The observed source population matrix was generated analogously, where the noise had a standard deviation of 0.5.

See Also


Simulated data set: Moderate similarity in the latent spaces


This data set contains simulated data in the source and target populations where there is a moderate degree of similarity in the underlying latent spaces between these populations.




A list containing the observed and true matrices in the source and target populations. The list contains the following components:


A matrix of size 100×50100 \times 50 representing the observed source population matrix.


A matrix of size 100×50100 \times 50 representing the observed target population matrix.


A matrix of size 100×50100 \times 50 (rank 3) representing the true source population matrix.


A matrix of size 100×50100 \times 50 (rank 3) representing the true target population matrix.


In this data set, there is a moderate degree of similarity in the latent spaces between the source and target populations. Specifically, the true source population matrix was obtained by (i) reversing the order of the singular values of the true target population matrix and (ii) adding perturbations to the left and right singular vectors of the true target population matrix. The observed target population matrix was obtained by adding independent and identically distributed noise to the entries of the true source population matrix. The noise was generated from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation of 1. The observed source population matrix was generated analogously, where the noise had a standard deviation of 0.5.

See Also


Latent space-based transfer learning


This function applies the Direct project LatEnt spAce-based tRaNsfer lEaRning (D-LEARNER) method (McGrath et al. 2024) to leverage data from a source population to improve estimation of a low rank matrix in an underrepresented target population.


dlearner(Y_source, Y_target, r)



matrix containing the source population data


matrix containing the target population data


(optional) integer specifying the rank of the knowledge graphs. By default, ScreeNOT (Donoho et al. 2023) is applied to the source population knowledge graph to select the rank.


Data and notation:

The data consists of a matrix in the target population Y0Rp×qY_0 \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times q} and the source population Y1Rp×qY_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times q}. Let U^kΛ^kV^k\hat{U}_{k} \hat{\Lambda}_{k} \hat{V}_{k}^{\top} denote the truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) of YkY_k, k=0,1k = 0, 1.

For k=0,1k = 0, 1, one can view YkY_k as a noisy version of Θk\Theta_k, referred to as the knowledge graph. The target of inference is the target population knowledge graph, Θ0\Theta_0.


This method estimates Θ0\Theta_0 by U^1U^1Y0V^1V^1\hat{U}_{1}^{\top}\hat{U}_{1} Y_0 \hat{V}_{1}^{\top}\hat{V}_{1}.


A list with the following components:


matrix containing the D-LEARNER estimate of the target population knowledge graph.


rank value used.


Donoho, D., Gavish, M. and Romanov, E. (2023). ScreeNOT: Exact MSE-optimal singular value thresholding in correlated noise. The Annals of Statistics, 51(1), pp.122-148.


res <- dlearner(Y_source = dat_highsim$Y_source,
                Y_target = dat_highsim$Y_target)

Latent space-based transfer learning


This function applies the LatEnt spAce-based tRaNsfer lEaRning (LEARNER) method (McGrath et al. 2024) to leverage data from a source population to improve estimation of a low rank matrix in an underrepresented target population.


learner(Y_source, Y_target, r, lambda_1, lambda_2, step_size, control = list())



matrix containing the source population data


matrix containing the target population data


(optional) integer specifying the rank of the knowledge graphs. By default, ScreeNOT (Donoho et al. 2023) is applied to the source population knowledge graph to select the rank.


numeric scalar specifying the value of λ1\lambda_1 (see Details)


numeric scalar specifying the value of λ2\lambda_2 (see Details)


numeric scalar specifying the step size for the Newton steps in the numerical optimization algorithm


a list of parameters for controlling the stopping criteria for the numerical optimization algorithm. The list may include the following components:

max_iter integer specifying the maximum number of iterations
threshold numeric scalar specifying a convergence threshold. The algorithm converges when ϵtϵt1<|\epsilon_t - \epsilon_{t-1}| <threshold, where ϵt\epsilon_t denotes the value of the objective function at iteration tt.
max_value numeric scalar used to specify the maximum value of the objective function allowed before terminating the algorithm. Specifically, the algorithm will terminate if the value of the objective function exceeds max_value×ϵ0\times \epsilon_0, where ϵ0\epsilon_0 denotes the value of the objective function at the initial point. This is used to prevent unnecessary computation time after the optimization algorithm diverges.


Data and notation:

The data consists of a matrix in the target population Y0Rp×qY_0 \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times q} and the source population Y1Rp×qY_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times q}. Let U^kΛ^kV^k\hat{U}_{k} \hat{\Lambda}_{k} \hat{V}_{k}^{\top} denote the truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) of YkY_k, k=0,1k = 0, 1.

For k=0,1k = 0, 1, one can view YkY_k as a noisy version of Θk\Theta_k, referred to as the knowledge graph. The target of inference is the target population knowledge graph, Θ0\Theta_0.


This method estimates Θ0\Theta_0 by U~V~\tilde{U}\tilde{V}^{\top}, where (U~,V~)(\tilde{U}, \tilde{V}) is the solution to the following optimization problem

argminURp×r,VRq×r{UVY0F2+λ1P(U^1)UF2+λ1P(V^1)VF2+λ2UUVVF2}\mathrm{arg\,min}_{U \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times r}, V \in \mathbb{R}^{q \times r}} \big\{ \| U V^{\top} - Y_0 \|_F^2 + \lambda_1\| \mathcal{P}_{\perp}(\hat{U}_{1})U \|_F^2 + \lambda_1\| \mathcal{P}_{\perp}(\hat{V}_{1})V \|_F^2 + \lambda_2 \| U^{\top} U - V^{\top} V \|_F^2 \big\}

where P(U^1)=IU^1U^1\mathcal{P}_{\perp}(\hat{U}_{1}) = I - \hat{U}_{1}^{\top}\hat{U}_{1} and P(V^1)=IV^1V^1\mathcal{P}_{\perp}(\hat{V}_{1}) = I - \hat{V}_{1}^{\top}\hat{V}_{1}.

This function uses an alternating minimization strategy to solve the optimization problem. That is, this approach updates UU by minimizing the objective function (via a gradient descent step) treating VV as fixed. Then, VV is updated treating UU as fixed. These updates of UU and VV are repeated until convergence.


A list with the following elements:


matrix containing the LEARNER estimate of the target population knowledge graph


numeric vector containing the values of the objective function at each iteration


integer specifying the criterion that was satisfied for terminating the numerical optimization algorithm. A value of 1 indicates the convergence threshold was satisfied; A value of 2 indicates that the maximum number of iterations was satisfied; A value of 3 indicates that the maximum value of the objective function was satisfied.


rank value used.


McGrath, S., Zhu, C,. Guo, M. and Duan, R. (2024). LEARNER: A transfer learning method for low-rank matrix estimation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.20605.

Donoho, D., Gavish, M. and Romanov, E. (2023). ScreeNOT: Exact MSE-optimal singular value thresholding in correlated noise. The Annals of Statistics, 51(1), pp.122-148.


res <- learner(Y_source = dat_highsim$Y_source,
               Y_target = dat_highsim$Y_target,
               lambda_1 = 1, lambda_2 = 1,
               step_size = 0.003)